Biotechnology and Environment Sustainability
Sustainable improvement is a assignment all of us should take. Environmental sustainability is one of the giant problems confronted by the humanity. Expeditious industrialization has placed a constraint on the resources. Establishing a conservationist surroundings is indispensable. For twenty first century the heroes may be who introduce extra sustainability. It is the obligation of each man or woman and must be a manner of life. It is not always an easily described concept, neither is there any predefined manner of reaching it. The only technique of maintaining the surroundings is such that returns all the additives in a recyclable manner to preserve the equilibrium.
Ground-breaking biotechnology research is providing construction blocks to offer answer for resurrecting the ecosystem. Biotechnology industry is running on renovating contemporary substances and techniques with extra sustainable and biological alternatives. There is a plethora of places where biotechnology could make a great difference. Biotechnology has uniquely placed itself over the pinnacle of complex region to make an impact. The most important motto of sustainability is people, planet and profit and biotechnology is successfully running on this integration to make changes.
The grasp plan is to locating techniques that use recyclable compounds and substances that can successfully lessen waste accumulation and as we all of us are properly privy about the plastic pollution, new technologies have been working to produce 100% recyclable plastic from agricultural and forest waste and in turn killing two birds with a single stone i.e. solving the problem of sustainability and well as waste. Biotech is supplying modern answers to produce fuel from sources like sawdust, rice hulls, almond hulls, and municipal waste to play a small role in our low carbon future. Some companies are exploiting the natural ability of microorganisms to break waste and produce fuel.
In many cases these microorganisms or their products are integrated into the substrates which give us the products, desired within the industries, samples of these are bioleaching (biomining), bio detergent, biotreatment of pulp, bio treatment of wastes (bioremediation), bio filtration, aquaculture treatments, biotreatment of textiles, biocatalysts, biomass fuel production, bio monitoring, and so forth. In an environmental context, biotechnology has its greatest contribution to form in agriculture — especially by improving crop-yields.
It offers opportunities to style crops for specific environments and to form crops more efficient producers of food-energy than otherwise. Not only this biotechnology is also revolutionising the construction industry, the production of many construction materials requires toxic chemicals, energy and water and emits large amount of carbon but now companies are focusing on using biodegradable materials such as cocoa husks, dried orange peels, and ground blue pea flowers to create sustainable construction materials. In London, a start-up called Biohm is looking into using mushrooms to produce construction materials from organic waste. In the Netherlands, the corporate Green Basilisk seeks to extend the lifespan of concrete by embedding it with bacteria that repair the fabric when it suffers damage. US-based Biomason uses similar microbes to make cement tiles with a low-carbon footprint.
Along with this the biotechnology industries are transforming manufacturing processes to provide green technology tools for sustainable development to safeguard our natural resources. These are tools (biotechnological tools), which could solve the matter of pollution and help sustain the environment.
Author: Akshita Sharma
College: Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology
Course: M.Sc Biotechnology sem 4
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